Saturday, April 20, 2013

New life

and new dreams...

äitisuomennos: kukkaunelmia

Friday, April 19, 2013


added a new blog on my blog list... it's about fitness, kuntoilu in finnish.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013


The European nightcrawler, Eisenia hortensis or Dendrobaena veneta

Dendrobaena worms reproductive rate
- 0.8 eggs per adult per week
- 1 baby per egg
- male and female reproductive organs
- net reproduction of 0.8 young per adult per week
- from egg to sexual maturity = 20 weeks

 optimal temperature for worms + 18 C, range +5 C - + 29? C
on finnish site it says +5 C - +25 C

it's weird that people are so serious about this that they find out methodically the optimal growth rates and such. the first thing when i saw my worms was kääk! they were so creepy all my "save the planet, fertilise your plants!" thoughts went down the drain. :P

happy worming!

first i grew plants
now worms
where will i end up?

äitisuomennos: matokompostointi on hauskaa. mikset sinäkin?

ps. the white thing on the compost bin is expired modified cornstarch... i wonder if i'm not poisoning my worms? and i probably did the bin also wrong. can worms die of over eating? everywhere it warns not to feed them too much. :/

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Same sex marriages and children's rights?

would children suffer with same sex MARRIED parents? the American Association of Pediatrics' answer (previous link) based on scientific evaluation and research

in finnish: Lujaa tahtoa (blog article about equal rights for love)

finns: sign a petition here oikeusministeriö kansalaisaloite (you need internet banking access)

i signed today.