Monday, April 27, 2009

Star verses...

Why do you believe in poetry, In sacred harmony Of heavenly canopy, When the clear night Smiles, crowned by Stars that you love?  

-Vasile Alecsandri (1821-1990)-  

Golden stars over the calm sea Appear neat, my sweet infinity! 

 -Dimitrie Bolintineanu (1825-1872)- 

some beauty for this world... 
and so we end our small journey into romanian poetry. 
blessed be the miraculous life and may the stars shine upon each of you. 

äitisuomennos: tähtirunouden loppu... vai alku?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Books vs stars

I don’t find my peace in books, But in the Gospel of stars… 

  -Mihail Celarianu- 

well, when there's no stars the books are a pretty good choice. :P 

äitisuomennos: kirjat vai tähdet? siinäpä vasta pulma!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ballet Folklorico

Intelligent happiness...

La prueba más clara de sabiduría es la alegría continua.

-michel de montaigne-

Happy person is always wise company!


äitisuomennos: iloinen mieli korvaa puuttuvan älyn... ;)