Wednesday, June 29, 2011


i have to advertise this because i almost know the boy... ;)

ps. i started a new blog because i felt this wasn't a suitable channel for my statistical ventilation. enjoy! (on the sidebar)

äitisuomennos: ollihan se siinä... ja tilastotiedettä pursuava blogi - vasemmalla, linkkinä sivun reunassa.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


what have i been doing this afternoon?

- soap of course! :) i made some fine laundry soap from a recipe taken from the finnish soap making bible "käsin tehtyä saippuaa" by saara kuha. excellent manual by the way...

i'm completely into this (again) even though i have a box full of old ones waiting to be used... i can send you some if you're in need of any! (all of them are obviously only vegetable fat based so they are suitable for vegans too.)

äitisuomennos: saippuaa!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ailey II

photo borrowed from

ECHOES - no words can describe...

THE CORNER - yo, this is our corner, yo.

REVELATIONS - hallelujah, yeah!


(worth of all my thousand claps)

soul gripping...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Byuk-Pah Dance Research Society

photo borrowed from 

four seasons of korea - blooming, passion of the heat, harvest of the autumn moon, silence of the winter - waiting

little movement says it all...

fans, lift of the foot, change of the hand position, sight of the red underskirt, drums

what more can we ask for?


ps. how stupid can a girl be? - a click away from bliss = i finally manage my posting!!! hurraa! :D

Friday, June 17, 2011

Mimulus Cia de Dança

photo borrowed from

dolores - passionate, rough, jealous, brainless, joy of dance (inspiration from pedro almodóvar)

lot of machista grips, sensual tango, amazing lifts and colourful relationships

made me wan't to be on the stage as well


they sure know how to make use of accessories (of clothes too!)

energizing and atmospheric music - fine way of guiding the mood

certainly not without humour

me encanta!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011


waiting for a better dress day... :P - not going out though.

(washed my dress yesterday and will put it back on monday.)

äitisuomennos: onko se huijaamista, jos ei tee asioita salaa?

Saturday, June 4, 2011


löysin hauskan enneagrammitestin. sen mukaan (ja mitä itse ajattelen) minua kuvaavat sekä luova individualisti että uskollinen kyseenalaistaja. noh, toisinaan kuvaavat ja toisinaan eivät. :P -halpaa hupia silti. ;)

"Luova Individualisti on sisäänpäin kääntynyt ja romanttinen persoonallisuustyyppi. Neloset ovat itsensä tiedostavia, sensitiivisiä ja varautuneita. He ovat emotionaalisesti rehellisiä, luovia ja henkilökohtaisia, mutta saattavat myös olla ailahtelevaisia ja itsetietoisia. He saattavat olla pidättyväisiä muita kohtaan tuntiessaan itsensä haavoittuvaisiksi ja puutteellisiksi. Neloset saattavat kokea tavallisen arkisen elämän itselleen vieraaksi ja jopa halveksia sitä. Heillä on tyypillisesti ongelmia surumielisyyden, itsekeskeisyyden ja itsesäälin tunteiden kanssa. Parhaimmillaan Nelonen on inspiroitunut, erittäin luova ja itseään sekä kokemuksiaan uudistava ihminen."

"Uskollinen Kyseenalaistaja on sitoutunut ja turvallisuushakuinen persoonallisuustyyppi. Kuutoset ovat luotettavia, ahkeria ja vastuuntuntoisia. He ovat hyviä ongelmien kartoittajia ja osaavat luoda aitoa yhdessä tekemisen henkeä, mutta saattavat olla myös puolustelevia, vältteleviä ja hermostuneita. Kuutoset saattavat haalia itselleen liikaa töitä ja stressiä ja valittaa siitä samanaikaisesti. He saattavat olla varovaisia ja päättämättömiä, mutta myös reaktiivisia, kapinoivia ja uhmakkaita. Kuutosilla on tyypillisesti ongelmia epävarmuuden ja epäluuloisuuden kanssa. Parhaimmillaan Kuutonen on sisäisesti vakaa ja itsevarma ihminen, joka rohkeasti kannustaa itseään ja muita onnistumaan."

in english: i found a wonderful site - always wanted to have such a colorful set of porcelain. i wonder if they can be machine washed...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Little blue dress


i'm still young and restless, so it's time for some radical minimalism. good logic, eh? ;) i'm joining a challenge of a blog called 'one dress protest' written by kristy powell.

well, she has all these high ideals that she wants to achieve, but don't you think i have some sort of virtues in my mind when i'm starting. oh, no! i just want to test my limits (=do something radical but fairly unnoticeable), i happen to have a dress i rarely use, (which probably fits fine in most of the occasions in my future month) and i'm curious. i'm curious of what this experiment will bring into my life.

the only problem will be next week: i'm going out of town to a 5 days long "camp", where a group of people will spend time together very closely and where my washing opportunities might be scarce... since i'm not so serious about this i'll just have to take some spare clothes to replace the dress in case i can't wear it all of the days. anyways - exciting future lies ahead of me (despite maybe the "boring" clothing choices).

äitisuomennos: no, ei sitä kaikkea äitinkään tartte tietää, että mitä hullutuksia se taas...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Kuopio Dance Festival - here i come!

i was a bit sour that i couldn't participate in a kdf vip viewer competion... the local newspaper was searching for different people to write about the dance shows and no previous experience was required. - the idea is of course to make the town citizens involved and get commoners interested in the art of dance (and also to sell the newspaper). - anyway i suppose the competition was only for the subscribers because i couldn't see any hint of it on the newspaper website. :(

well, since i've been eyeing on the dance festival for years i finally bought tickets to three different shows. (some of the happenings are for free but i don't have time to hang out in the centre for all day. besides i'm doubting it would only lead to getting fed up with dance quite soon.) i think you already guess where i'm heading to... i'll be writing for what i see - here. i don't have vip seats, not even tickets to all of the shows but i have an urge to write about the ones i chose. - and i'd like to see somebody to try to prevent me! :P (ah, how i love to be melodramatic - it shows that i'm already in my artistic mood. :)

so beware kuopio dance festival - there's a pair of alert ears and eyes among the audience and they do not keep silent afterwards! :PPP

äitisuomennos: kuopio tanssii ja soi - vihdoinkin.