Sunday, July 29, 2012

things to do?

when did my weekends become so boring? and shouldn't i be happy because i really don't need to do stuff - isn't that what (we think) makes us happy (especially when we're stressed)?

it's pretty difficult to do nothing... (just imagine i only have 3 things in waiting: to write a short story, to pack and to wash dishes.) it's so boring...

on the other hand i could also book a laundry turn, technically vacuum, knit, watch a movie, watch anime, play some computer game, read a book... but nothing is obligatory, so i do nothing. please, somebody help me! i have serious trouble to amuse myself. :P

äitisuomennos: on tylsää... eipä olekaan ollut sitten joskus alakouluaikojen! ;)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


"it would be useful to master all the skills."

- Miia, 2012 -

thanks, will try to remeber that. :D

äitisuomennos: "olis hyvä osata kaikki taidot."

Sunday, July 8, 2012


baroque music in kuopio!

as i didn't go to see kuopio dance festival this year i figured i should go to some other culture event...

i went to see the final concert of the barokkikuopio festival.

"The final concert Mystery and Relics includes French baroque music for viol with harpsichord. The performers are Markus Kuikka and Pilvikki Virtaperko."

i liked it though at times i thought the music was quite challenging having a bit complicated melody. otherwise the performers were excellent - with some pieces i was truly amazed. the performance was held in an old wooden church of Männistö which has quite a modern altar painting. the church is small and intimate and with a few coins one could get yummy refreshments like home made rhubarb juice.

i recommend!

äitisuomennos: barokkikuopio, kannattaa kokeilla!