Thursday, July 21, 2011


just the other day i realized that i've been living quite many years without a big mirror... (and without a tv but that's another story.)

it is inconvenient i know but what does it matter if i'm not able to check my outfit daily? does it make my life any different? (yes, sometimes i do care, sometimes i'm just too plain lazy to give a damn.)

then i realised, i certainly do check out myself more often from the elevator mirror (once i was desperate and called the lift just to do that ;), from windows, glass doors and from other reflective surfaces. (warning! don't try to use side mirrors of the cars - they are too, well you'll see...)

i truly am missing a mirror but so far - people have survived from more difficult situations than this.

äitisuomennos: ken on heistä kaikkein kaunein...

Friday, July 8, 2011


could it be wrong? i don't think such an expression exists in the formal language.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Last day of odp

i feel a bit better that for the last week i wore my dress for 6 days. otherwise i wore it maybe 30 % of my time (mostly out of the house though - it doesn't mean that i was inside all the time however;).

it's been nice to have kind of a uniform. no clothing worries in the morning. :) i also think my dress has been very neutral - no one has commented anything on it. i think they have noticed it though - people always do. here it's just difficult to get an open reaction. people fear they are impolite or say something wrong. - i remember when i cut my hair very short, it was real weird of not getting any feed back about my radical hairless look.

but back to the dress... i hoped that this experiment would help me wear it more often. i succeeded in that. i also feel more comfortable wearing it which is a bonus. :) maybe later i should have a skirt&dress challenge for a summer...

happy dress day!

äitisuomennos: nyt ei tartte ennää jännittää, että mitenkä se selviää.