Sunday, October 31, 2010

The day of the dead

los muertos...
los muertos se levanten y participen a los actividades de los días pasados.
los muertos...
los muertos...

äitisuomennos: kuolleiden juhla

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bra för alla damer

äitisuomennos: eläköön Mary Phelps Jacob!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Charming polaroid

jihuu! i finally managed to make it - to shrink the clip. :))

äitisuomennos: polaroidin taikaa

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

SOO - Save Our Oceans!

i hate these embedded versions that are too big for my blog! :/ anyway, the link is worth watching.

(why has the 'insert link' button stopped working altogether as well??? - try to manage, so do i. nyyh ja kyynel. :/)

there's also a blog that deals with this refuse ideology:

äitisuomennos: ei kertakäyttömuoville.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I know how to cook!

beginning a career as a food photographer? at least i know how to be oh, so fashionably blurry! :D *shudder :S

äitisuomennos: vai sittenkin vain ruokakuvaaja?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hiljalleen leijuvat hiutaleet...

näin ensihiutaleiden kunniaksi ajattelin blogata jotain hottia!

honoring the first snowflakes - and keeping the cold away...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Winds of change

when the winds of change blow
some build walls and some windmills.
can't remember where i got this one but anyway it's quite striking. me likes! :)

äitisuomennos ja muutoksen tuulet...