Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Can you hear that? Do you really listen?

what do you do when you're feeling heavy? (sad? down? shocked? terrified to the bone?)
it would be nice if somebody listened to you, wouldn't it?
mom. god. anybody.
just feeling a soft touch and a loving attention...
it's all it takes. nothing else.
i hope we all remember this when the time comes...

do you know why desmond tutu got a nobel prize for peace?
the answer is: because he listened.

it must mean something...

äitisuomennos: kuuntele, äläkä vain kuule!


when i decided to start my blog, a friend of mine told me (probably trying to encourage me) that it's real easy: if one has no ideas one can just use photos... seems like i believed her too well.

since i'm bored now i decided to turn a new page and write more than ever!
(ok, i don't have ideas for that long but until i
- die?
no, not good.
- get bored?
not good either as i am already.
- stop.
yes, that's good. somehow simple and elegant. :) me likes it! :)

so till i stop! stop. goof. stop. stop stop. stop.

äitisuomennos: seis.