Friday, February 27, 2009

Museo Nacional de la Muerte en Aguascalientes

so where do all these skeleton figures come from???

from indigenous art and believes ofcourse!!!

from christian tradition as well...

(the second picture is an old miniature glass bottle which one had to look at through magnifying glass. - i suppose you've already guessed which picture is not part of the christian tradition... ;)

and finally we meet these fine ladies...

la catrina - coqueta - is a very typical and beloved figure dating all the way back until 1913. (

i suppose now you all understand the beloved skeletons of mexico - the humour and the respect of the dead... to me it seems like a very beautiful tradition: teaching the children not to be afraid... building día de los muertos altars for the died loved ones...

äitisuomennos: kuolemamuseo aguascalientesissa - meksikolainen traditio = sekoitus intiaanien ja espanjalaisten valloittajien uskontoa (kuoleman kunnioitus ja huumori, rakastettu luurankohahmo)

My journey back home begins...

thank you tickerfucktory for making functioning tickers!!!!!!!!! :P

äitisuomennos: nokka kohti kotia...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

About tickers and tickers...

well, i wanted to put a nice ticker on my blog just to show a countdown for when i leave guadalajara. unfortunately it turned out that the sidebar on my site is too narrow even for the smallest of tickers so i gave up the idea. (i honestly tried even the crappiest ones i could find browsing more than 15 different pages but no, nothing can be done unless i decide to widen my margin... :/)

huoh, anyway i've still left somewhat 2 months and 3 weeks (learned from my useless ticker experience:P).

äitisuomennos: henriikan blogissa oli niin kiva laskuri... huoh.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hello Kitty!

äitisuomennos: ja taas luurankoja...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

With love to Milka

i surprised taking bath...

i with natural light...

well, you can blame my cousin for these pics: she wanted to know how i'm looking these days(if my hair has grown back;). as you can see i'm very healthy, tanned nicely and there's absolutely nothing wrong with my hair!!! :P

äitisuomennos: milkan syytä kaikki! se halusi tietää, miltä mie näytän nykyään... hah! kuten näette: olen aivan terve, ruskettunut ja tukkaakin löytyy!!! :P

Binary spam

01001000010u1099132000010100101001uei01830101010010108eh 010010101010ilkfjp++2391+0010101001000010000100001000100 01001001001e01wj1o01010101fjm9++1+010100101010010000000 000000000000000000000000011111000000100000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111 ---------------------------ERRORRRRRRRRRRRR------------------------- ¤&¤#¤#¤"&/&/&/##%&!!!!!!!!!

my binary spam got stuck!!!! well i suppose this was expected to happen sooner or later when one is clearly having a relationship with a geek...

01110011011011110111001001110010011110010010000001100 10001110010011000010110011101101111011100110111010001 1001010010000000101101001000000110001101101111011101 010110110001100100011011100110000001110100001000000 11100100110010101110011011010010111001101110100001011 1000111011001010010010000001101100011011110111011001 1001010010000001111001011011110111010100100000011101 000110111101101111001000010011101000101001

hei! it's working again!!! :)

to everybody who wants to find a small geek within him/herself:
i just wish i had known about this site when i had to actually to know sth about this stuff... (well even i have to have some skeletons in my closet!:P)

some of the user's comments:
- wooow! this really makes me to feel sooooo inteeeelligent! - i actually almost think i get this...
- cool! except i think these o's and l's are starting to hurt my eyes... :/

äitisuomennos: kaivakaahan lukion pitkän matikan kirjat esille ja sieltä kappale binääriluvut... kaikkihan muistamme, että niitä oli siis kaksi - siis niitä lukuja - hitto, mutta mitkä kaksi??? miiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

feliz día de san valentin/los enamorados! - hyvää ystävänpäivää! <3<3<3

i want to share one site with you i bumped up with when i was trying to find out how to wish happy valentine's day in many languages... i especially recommend the lover's guide to get new ideas for your relationship. (also the kiss types are worth knowing;)

äitisuomennos: unfortunately all the information provided is only in english. we wish you a better luck next time!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Who's there?

äitisuomennos: kuka siellä...


...yläpetillä oikein makkaa???

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


in mexico it's forbidden to put a plastic bag over one's head. - i just wonder how large fine one can get from breaking this prohibition... hm... maybe i should ask about it from my spanish teacher???

äitisuomennos: ällös laita muovipussia pääs päälle meksikossa tai saat katua! :P

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Marry me!

i decided i needed a second opinion about the marriage and stuff...

ladies and gentlemen! may i present: emilie autumn's thoughts about life, marriage, beautiful DRESSES and well, death!

äitisuomennos: hyvät naiset ja herrat - emilie autumn!

Little princesses...

and as you see the age doesn't matter: everybody can be a princess!

äitisuomennos: pikkuprinsessojakaan unohtamatta...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

About finding one's DRESStiny...

also other women become happy on this miracle street even if they are not getting married in the near future... ;)

... i was trying to imagine how my blog could suddenly create a new tourism flow to the good old gdl...

this could be the respond for the new challenges of THE DRESS tourism:
change your life! find THE DRESS! we're inviting all of you to find your inner princess! in guadalajara it's possible! realize your dreams today and fly to guadalajara! your destiny is waiting for you... full satisfaction guaranteed!

äitisuomennos: - ääiiiiiiitiiii! määki halluuuuun tommosen!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Love and marridge

one of the most important days in mexican girl's life is her wedding day.
then the daddy's little princess can dazzle the whole world with a huge cream cake dream and finally be the queen of the day before settling down as a married and respectable 'ama de casa'.

wedding, as in all catholic countries, is a big business here (except among the poor who don't get married;) and is to be taken very seriously. the grand day just have to be perfect. it's not uncommon to see a couple riding in a limo and waving to the other mortals like the royal family of england.

however as we all know the bride is the one in the spotlight accompanied first by her father and later by her new husband and so she has to spend enormous amount of time and great consideration before deciding her entrée with THE DRESS. for this reason one whole walking street of guadalajara is almost fully dedicated just to the happy brides(much neglecting the poor fiancés offering only few choices for them) and to the big wallets of their not so happy fathers. these creations cost about 3000 pesos which means with the current rate less than 200 euros!

maybe the finnish brides should come here instead of heading to tallin for a less costly market? (can't believe i just invented new wedding dress tourism!;)

äitisuomennos: purjehtiminen avioliiton auvoiseen satamaan ei ole meksikossa helppoa. täydelliseen hääpäivään tarvitaan uhkea hääpuku, limusiini, isän paksu lompakko ja tietenkin sulhanen(mieluiten myöntyväinen - sulhasen kaappaus kun on nykypäivänä eettisesti erittäin tuomittavaa ja sitä paitsi ruokkii mustan pörssin kauppaa).

NOTE/OJO/HUOMIO! this post is dedicated to the two couples i know who got married last summer but to whose wedding i was unfortunately unable to attend. wish you all the best even when you didn't have mexican wedding dresses. ;) ... maybe i should buy mine as well from here? ;) i-iskää!!!

I'm back!!! :)

as you can see i'm here again. :) (well actually you can't - you just need to trust my word. :P) anyway you can see those new spots on my map in southern mexico: that's most likely i. i tried to get more dots on it so you could have seen my route but unfortunately it didn't work out (again you need to trust my word and well photos if you are one of the lucky ones... ;)

hm... only 4 months left here... :) it's good to go home. like the swedish put it: borta bra men hemma bäst. ;) ok, maybe i shouldn't get too excited yet - i still have those four months left. :D see ya!

äitisuomennos: kohta kotia. :) ennää 4 kuukautta...